Grace is hosting Quadrille Monday this time at dVerse,  And it is the 6th anniversary of dVerse! Congratulations to all the hosts. Their efforts are truly appreciated.

We’re on Week #36  and the prompt word is “flicker.” Paul suggested to deepen the challenge by including all the words prompted in 36 weeks. Past words in this series were pepperdance, bubble, grin, lull, melt, shimmer, twist, skip, green, breeze, spill, rose, journey, jar, leaves, open, shadow, cloud, spark, cue, breath, scar, curl, whisper, dawn, ghost, giggle, drizzle, still, echo, sound, storm, spring, balloon and flicker for this week.

I found it interesting so decided to give it a shot. Here’s the quadrille I came up with including all the 36 words!


night forest


shadows dance

sound melts


green leaves whisper

curl, twist

tease still roses


scarred ghosts grin

clouds swell as balloon

open bubble


heart skips

breathes like breeze

pepper jar spills

hope flickers

journey sparks a cue

dawn lulls the storm

spring shimmers